Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS crashes when running on a virtual machine

Last Published: April 26, 2020


When creating a new operation view using Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS on a virtual machine, the application crashes after selecting a web map.


Virtual machines often do not meet the video / graphics adapter requirements of Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. When the map widget is configured, this deficiency causes the application to crash.

Solution or Workaround

Virtual machines do not allow the graphics adapter to be reconfigured, so it is recommended to turn off Accelerated Display.

  1. Locate 'OperationsDashboard.exe.config'. Some folders are uniquely named, but the path should be similar to:


  2. Edit the OperationsDashboard.exe.config file to include the line:

    <add key="useAcceleratedDisplay" value="false" />

    <!--<add key="portalUrl" value="" />-->
    <!--<add key="portalAuthentication" value="token" />-->
    <!--<add key="forgotPassword" value="" />-->
    <!--<add key="installUrl" value="" />-->
    <add key="useAcceleratedDisplay" value="false" />
    <add key="helpUrl" value="" />
    <add key="privacyPolicy" value="" />
    <add key="termsOfUse" value="" />

  3. Restart Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.

Article ID:000012327

  • Mobile Applications

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