When multiple users are editing a feature class registered as versioned with the option to 'move edits to base' and one user reconciles and posts to the DEFAULT version or saves their DEFAULT version edit session, objects that have been updated in other user's edit sessions will also be compressed to the feature classes base table.
When a session saves an edit session against the DEFAULT version or posts a version to the DEFAULT version and a class is registered with the option to 'move edits to base', during the operation to move inserted, updated, and deleted rows from the DEFAULT version's lineage to the base table, a query mistakenly includes all additional objects from other states that are not part of the DEFAULT version's lineage. Because these objects are included, these additional edits (which may not even have been saved in the user's edit session) will be applied to the table's base table.
When this scenario occurs, the edits the additional sessions were performing will have been committed to the table's base table. If these objects should not have been applied, then an editor will have to manually delete the objects in the DEFAULT version.
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