ERR0125, ERR0513: ArcMap Server (Unix) Error when trying to administer Service

Last Published: April 25, 2020

Error Message

When adding an ArcMap Service, ArcIMS returns the following messages:

"[ERR0125] Error when trying to administer Service."

"[ERR0513] Data for layer with name <layername> and ID "x" of dataframe <dataframe name> is not found. Service <service name> cannot be created."


The data used in the map document is not accessible.

Solution or Workaround

Follow the steps below.

  1. Verify if the layer reported in the error message contains a broken data path.

    If using ArcSDE based data, verify if the server is running and the layer used in the map is accessible.

    If using file based data, verify the data is available and there is read permission for the ArcIMS user to access the data.
  2. Verify that the layer reported in the message does not use any unsupported data type. For example: Personal Geodatabase.
  3. Verify all path names to the data do not contain any capitalization or special characters. ArcMap server on Unix will accept only lower-case path names to the data.
  4. All file names are case sensitive. Verify the data name specified for a layer in the map matches with the file name of data residing on Unix.
  5. Check to see the MXD/PMF does not contain Windows path names to the data.
  6. Verify that the map document does not use relative paths to the data.

    Maps using relative paths to data will work with ArcReader on Unix, but ArcMap server will not be able to access data referenced by relative paths.

Article ID:000006881

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