Addition of a Registry Key to Handle the Use Case for BUG-000083764

Last Published: April 25, 2020


This issue impacts customers using ArcMap 10.2.1 with the Utilities and Telecom Update 8.

BUG-000083764 - The option to automatically save changes after each edit while using Editing Options does not remain unchecked after saving the map document. 


In ArcMap 10.2.1, the Automatically save changes after each edit checkbox option was added to the Versioning tab in Editor options to support non-versioned editing scenarios. Until ArcMap 10.3, the state of the Automatically save changes after each edit checkbox option was not saved in the map document (NIM098991). Esri cannot port persistence changes to earlier versions of ArcMap. 


Add the following registry key for each user: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ESRI\Desktop10.2\ArcMap\Garcia\VersioningAutoSaveChanges
0 = not checked
1 = checked

ArcMap 10.2.1 with the Utilities and Telecom Update 8 reads the registry key on startup and sets the checkbox accordingly. The checkbox can be changed in ArcMap, but any changed state does not persist in either the map document or the registry key. 

Article ID: 000017377

  • ArcMap

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