The Raster Cleanup menu commands on the ArcScan toolbar are disabled

Last Published: April 26, 2020


In some instances, the commands in the Raster Cleanup menu on the ArcScan toolbar are disabled. The Raster Painting Toolbar command is enabled, but upon activating the toolbar, no tools are enabled.


Below are several causes associated with this issue:

    • The raster dataset is not symbolized with two unique classes.

    • The pixel type of the raster dataset is not an 8-bit, unsigned integer.

    • The raster dataset is not in a supported format. The ArcScan Raster Cleanup commands only support TIFF, IMG, or GRID formats.


ArcScan must be enabled in the ArcMap Extensions window, and an edit session must be started prior to using the toolbar. For more information, refer to the following documentation, Problem: ArcScan toolbar is disabled.

Solution or Workaround

Depending on the cause, use one or more of the options listed below to resolve the issue.

  • Symbolize the raster layer to be displayed with two unique classes. To do this in ArcMap, refer to the following documentation, ArcGIS for Desktop Help: Symbolizing a raster for use with ArcScan.
  • Use the Copy Raster tool to convert the raster to an 8-bit, unsigned integer raster and also save the output as either TIFF, IMG or GRID formats since ArcScan Raster Cleanup supports only these formats.

    Copy Raster

Article ID:000012628

  • ArcMap

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