Geodatabase upgrade fails with "Could not update server tables and stored procedures. Error (-238)"

Last Published: April 28, 2021


This article pertains to ArcGIS version 10.0 only. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.
ArcSDE software, including the application server, command tools, and SDK with C and Java APIs, was deprecated at ArcGIS 10.2.2 and is no longer distributed.

Geodatabase upgrade to version 10 or later fails with the following error message:

Error(Check Datasets): Could not update server tables and stored procedures. Error (-238)

The sde_setup.log shows the following details:

[<timestamp>] Error: DBMS view exists (-238).
Tables not converted to DBS.
Error: -238

[<timestamp>] SDE release upgrade not completed(-238).
[<timestamp>] ERROR installing/upgrading ArcSDE, Error = -238


The physical database view of a geodatabase multi-versioned view for an archiving-enabled feature class is missing. The most likely causes for this are:

  • The view was unintentionally dropped by a user with a SQL command
  • During database migration, the view was missed

Solution or Workaround

The solution to this problem is to identify and delete the detached multi-versioned view entries for archiving-enabled feature classes in the geodatabase schema, as follows:

  1. Execute the following SQL statement to get a list of multi-versioned view entries for archiving-enabled feature classes as the geodatabase admin user.
select owner, table_name, imv_view_name from table_registry 
where upper(table_name) || '_H' in 
(select upper(table_name) from table_registry where Upper(table_name) like '%_H')
and upper(Imv_view_name) = upper(table_name) || '_MV'
For Microsoft SQL Server use the following SQL statement:
select owner, imv_view_name from sde_table_registry 
where upper(table_name) || '_H' in 
(select upper(table_name) from sde_table_registry where Upper(table_name) like '%_H')
and upper(Imv_view_name) = upper(table_name) || '_MV'
  1. Check for the existence of the database view for the geodatabase multi-versioned view listed and identify the detached entries.
  2. Delete the detached multi-versioned view entries with following command.
sdetable -o delete_mv_view -t <table_name>
  1. Re-run the geodatabase upgrade.
  2. Re-create the dropped multi-versioned views, if necessary.

Article ID: 000011277

  • ArcMap 10 0

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