The IFeatureProgress and IReplicaProgress interfaces define properties that are not accessible through the .NET interop assembly 'event' interfaces. Instructions provided describe how to create helper classes as a workaround for this limitation.
To successfully compile the code shown in this article, the following assemblies must be referenced by the solution, and 'using' statements must be added for their corresponding namespaces:
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Display
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase
- ESRI.ArcGIS.GeoDatabaseDistributed
- ESRI.ArcGIS.Server
- ESRI.ArcGIS.System
private class FeatureProgressHelper : IFeatureProgress
private int featureCount = 0;
private int stepValue = 0;
String IFeatureProgress.FeatureClassName
set { Console.WriteLine("FeatureClassName: {0}", value); }
Boolean IFeatureProgress.IsCancelled
get { return false; }
int IFeatureProgress.MaxFeatures
set { Console.WriteLine("MaxFeatures: {0}", value); }
int IFeatureProgress.MinFeatures
set { Console.WriteLine("MinFeatures: {0}", value); }
int IFeatureProgress.Position
set { Console.WriteLine("Position: {0}", value); }
void IFeatureProgress.Step()
// Increment the number of features replicated and display the progress.
featureCount += stepValue;
Console.WriteLine("{0} features replicated.", featureCount);
int IFeatureProgress.StepValue
set { stepValue = value; }
public FeatureProgressHelper(IConnectionPointContainer connectionPointContainer)
// Get the event source's connection points.
IEnumConnectionPoints enumConnectionPoints = null;
connectionPointContainer.EnumConnectionPoints(out enumConnectionPoints);
// Iterate through the connection points until one for IFeatureProgress is found.
IConnectionPoint connectionPoint = null;
Guid featureProgressGuid = typeof(IFeatureProgress).GUID;
uint pcFetched = 0;
enumConnectionPoints.RemoteNext(1, out connectionPoint, out pcFetched);
while (connectionPoint != null)
Guid connectionInterfaceGuid;
connectionPoint.GetConnectionInterface(out connectionInterfaceGuid);
if (connectionInterfaceGuid == featureProgressGuid)
enumConnectionPoints.RemoteNext(1, out connectionPoint, out pcFetched);
// If IFeatureProgress wasn't found, throw an exception.
if (connectionPoint == null)
throw new ArgumentException("An IFeatureProgress connection point could not be found.");
// Tie into the connection point.
uint connectionPointCookie = 0;
connectionPoint.Advise(this, out connectionPointCookie);
The following example uses the ReplicationAgent class. Prior to the 9.3 release, ReplicationAgent did not implement IConnectionPointContainer, meaning that this code fails at run time.
IReplicationAgent replicationAgent = new ReplicationAgentClass();
IConnectionPointContainer connectionPointContainer = (IConnectionPointContainer)replicationAgent;
FeatureProgressHelper featureProgressHelper = new FeatureProgressHelper(connectionPointContainer);
// Create the replica...
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