A remote server object container (SOC) is no longer listed in the host machines list for ArcGIS Server Java on Solaris/Linux

Last Published: April 25, 2020


A remote server object container (SOC) previously added to the host machine is no longer listed after the ArcGIS Server server object manager (SOM) restarts.


If a previously added SOC host is no longer valid when ArcGIS Server on a SOM machine restarts, it drops from the SOC host machines list. However, the host machines' information records in the Server.dat file, which is located in the '$AGSHOME/server/system' directory under the ServerMachines parameter. The SOC host is re-added to the SOC host machine list if it becomes available again when the ArcGIS Server SOM restarts. This is a known behavior.

$AGSHOME refers to the ArcGIS Server installation directory.

Solution or Workaround

An SOC previously added as a host machine may become invalid due to several reasons. Below are tips for troubleshooting such cases:

  • On the SOM machine, as owner of the ArcGIS Server installation, open the file '$AGSHOME/server/system/Server.dat' and verify that the remote SOC machine is in the list of 'ServerMachines'. If it is not listed, add the remote SOC using the ArcGIS Server Manager or ArcCatalog. See Related Information below for additional information.
  • Before starting ArcGIS Server on the SOM machine, verify that the remote SOC is started and running. Run the 'ps' command to verify that an SOC starts on the SOC machine.

    > ps -ef | grep arcsoc.exe
  • Verify that the software license used by the remote SOC is valid.
  • In a high availability configuration with multiple SOMs and SOCs, each SOC machine can be configured as a host machine for more than one SOM. The following example is an illustration where SOC1 and SOC2 are both host machines for SOM1 and SOM2. In this example, SOM1 is the primary SOM for SOC1 while SOM2 is the primary SOM for SOC2.
    [O-Image] ArcGIS Server (Solaris/Linux) High Availability Configuration
    The primary SOM refers to the SOM where the Identity Server used by a SOC is running.

    In such high availability configurations, if an SOC machine becomes invalid or fails to be added as a host, check the following:

    A. Verify that the owner user account of the ArcGIS Server SOM adding the SOC as the host exists in the list of ArcGIS Server users on the primary SOM for that particular SOC. In Figure 2: Multi-Tier High Availability Architecture, if SOM1 adds SOC2 as a host, the owner of SOM1 exists in the ArcGIS Server users list on SOM2.

    B. Verify that the owner user account of the ArcGIS Server SOC existing on the SOM adds that particular SOC as a host. In Figure 2, if SOM1 adds SOC2 as a host, the owner of SOC2 exists in the ArcGIS Server users list on SOM1.

    C. Verify that the ArcGIS Server starts on the primary SOM machine for that particular SOC. Run the 'ps' command to verify that the ArcGIS Server processes start on the SOM machine.

    > ps -ef | grep arcsom.exe
    > ps -ef | grep regss
    > ps -ef | grep rpcss

Article ID:000009357

  • ArcGIS Server

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