Frequently asked question

How long does it take to upload a file?

Last Published: April 25, 2020


Uploading a file and processing its data for ArcWeb Services can take anywhere from a few seconds to an hour, assuming the file does not exceed the 10 MB recommended file size.

File size alone is not an accurate indicator of how long a file takes to upload and be processed by ArcWeb. The time involved varies based on the type of file, SHP or DBF, the size of the file, the number of fields, and the server load. The speed also depends on the number and complexity of features.

Once information about the data is provided and the upload started, you can close the Builder window and resume other tasks. The ArcWeb system sends an e-mail when the upload is complete and data is available in the Content Library.

This is not a guaranteed time estimate but more of a guideline for planning purposes.

Article ID:000008237

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