Features disappear from the HTML Viewer after panning or zooming

Last Published: April 25, 2020


When zooming in to a layer with scale dependencies set in the HTML viewer, some features disappear from the main map.


New layers were added to the existing map configuration file and the selFieldList[] array within the ArcIMSParam.js file was not updated to reflect these new layers.

Solution or Workaround

Follow the steps below.

  1. Open the ArcIMSParam.js file in a text editor, within the HTML Web site folder.
  2. Navigate to the section of code where the selFieldList[] array is defined. For example: var selFieldList = new Array();
  3. Enter additional selFieldList parameters to reflect the new layers referenced in the map configuration file. For example,


    The numeric value above represents the 'id' value for each layer in the map configuration file"

Article ID:000007992

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