Validate Features indicates all features are valid when invalid features are present

Last Published: April 25, 2020


If the selection set supplied to the Validate Features function contains a feature with a Null subtype value, Validate Features will return a false positive indicating that all features are valid, even if invalid features are present.

If the features participate in a Geometric Network and Connectivity rules are being validated, Validate Features will return a false positive if any connected features have Null subtypes.

The following types of validation rules are affected:
- subtypes
- attribute rules
- network connectivity rules
- relationship rules


The selection set contains a feature with a Null subtype value. If the features are in a Geometric Network, the connected features with Null subtype values cause Validate Features to return a false positive.


Assign a valid subtype value to features with Null subtype values.

    Article ID:000006583

    • ArcMap 8 x
    • ArcMap 9 x

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