Saving edits after cancelling or undoing a reconcile operation causes network inconsistencies

Last Published: January 13, 2021


This article pertains to ArcGIS versions 8.x only. Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools.

The following operations are not supported in the geodatabase, but are not guarded against by the software. Performing any of these operations can lead to inconsistent features within a geometric network. For example, features with missing logical elements.

  • Undoing a reconcile, and then saving edits. This is not a supported operation. If a reconcile is undone, the edit session must be discarded.
  • Undoing the edit operation immediately preceding a cancelled reconcile. When a version is reconciled, if conflicts are detected, the user may cancel the reconcile, rather than enter the conflict resolution dialog. If the edit operation preceding the cancelled reconcile is undone, network inconsistencies may result.
  • Editing after a cancelled reconcile. If the user cancelled a reconcile, continuing to edit may have caused network inconsistencies. This is a supported operation, but it can also be a cause of network inconsistencies.

Furthermore, editing network features previously edited in the current version, may result in several different error messages, each of which includes:

Invalid network element id

Attempts to reconcile the version with its primary may result in the following error.

The version could not be reconciled.
Inconsistency with network elements. [ClassID = ###, FeatureID = ###]

Solution or Workaround

Site administrators are encouraged to download and install ArcGIS 8.2 Service Pack 1 to prevent inadvertent errors by users manually resolving conflicts or manually reconciling and posting versions. Sites running ArcGIS 8.1.2, should contact Esri Technical Support.

If the problem occurs in a version that is currently being edited, there are several possible solutions, based upon those conditions previously described.

If the user has cancelled the reconcile but has not yet saved the edits, stop the current edit session without saving edits. This will discard the inconsistent connectivity.

If the user has already saved edits after cancelling the reconcile, use the Verify Connectivity Tool to determine if features have inconsistent connectivity. If features with inconsistent connectivity are discovered, use the Rebuild Connectivity tool to rebuild their connectivity. If the Rebuild Connectivity tool does not resolve the problem, delete the version and redo the edits or contact Esri Technical Support.

Article ID:000005580

  • ArcMap 8 x

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