Inconsistency in the offset of geocoded points

Last Published: April 25, 2020


The offset function in ArcView geocoding does not consistently place the points at the specified distance off the line.


Possible causes to this problem:

- The line theme that was the geocoding reference is not projected or is in a projection that does not preserve distance.
- The point marker selected for the geocoded point theme is one where the 'glyph' portion of the symbol is not centered within the symbol's extent.
- The line theme itself uses a linear offset.

Solution or Workaround

The solutions given below are based on the cause.

  • Project the data. Projecting the view does not solve this problem because the data source is still essentially unprojected data. If the reference theme is a shapefile, use the ArcView Projection Utility to project it to an appropriate coordinate system for the area being worked in.

  • Some point marker symbols used in ArcView do not display the glyph portion of the marker exactly centered; thus, the apparent center of the marker may not be the actual center, for example, if the user is using a marker that looks like a simple cross. When selecting the marker, black square handles are visable around that symbol. The center of the handles is the actual center of the marker symbol for placement purposes, which may not coincide with the visible center of the cross glyph. As result, when measured from the center of the cross to the road line, it is not really measured from the center of the marker; thus, the measurement may be too short if measuring down or left, and it may be too long if measuring up or right.

    This was a problem with TrueType marker sets in ArcView 2.1, but not in ArcView 3.x.
  • Check the line offset:

    1. Verify the street polyline theme is active.
    2. Open the Legend Editor.
    3. Click the Advanced button in the lower-left corner to see if this line theme has a line offset.

    For exact measurements between point markers and line symbols, verify there is a line symbol offset of zero.

Article ID:000004245

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