Set size to the maximum for new ArcView document windows

Last Published: April 25, 2020


New Arcview documents open at a specific default size depending on the document type:

Chart - 363 x 246
Layout - 493 x 267
Project - 238 x 317
SEd - 363 x 267
Table - 365 x 249
View - 478 x 282

You can use Avenue to set the new window size to maximum.


This procedure creates a maximized view window. You can modify it for any other document type, such as charts,
layouts, projects, SEds, and tables.

  1. Create a new script window.

    A. Activate the Project window.
    B. Click the Scripts icon.
    C. Click New.

  2. Select 'Load System Script' from the Script menu.
  3. Select View.New from the list box on the Script Manager and click OK.
  4. Paste the following line of code into the new script window.


    The new script should look like the following.

    newView = View.MakeWithGUI(av.GetProject.GetSelectedGUI.GetName)

  5. Rename the script View.New.

    A. Select Properties from the Script menu.
    B. Type in a new name in the Name field.
    C. Click OK.

  6. Select Compile from the Script menu or click the
    [O-Image] Script compile button
    button. New view documents will open up maximized on the screen.

Article ID:000003915

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